Wednesday, February 3, 2010

19 months

Is this really the last month in the teens? I can't believe that soon we will just be saying that Grace is simply 2. Maybe it is time to add to the family? Don't tell Rich I said that because he thinks we should have had another child about 2 weeks after Grace was born. We had to have a little heart to heart that Mommy would have needed some serious Prozac to make it through that kind of an ordeal.

Here she is........

Grace is a true joy to have in our lives. Just when you think that you have had all you can take in life Grace will come over and hug and kiss your leg and you melt. It is almost as if Grace can just sense that you needed a little love.

As I have said many times before Grace is a vocal child and LOVES music. Grace has started to repeat everything she hears. The other morning we were cleaning up after eating a waffle and syrup and I said, "Grace you're so sticky." Grace looks at me and says, "dicky!" Grace is working on saying "I love you." Right now she has "I woo you." That is not t be confused with "IU" which she says when she sees a game on. Here dad is teaching her to be a true fan despite the not so good season we are having. If you ask Grace to sing you a song she will sing. The words are not understandable but her dad says there is definitely a melody in it. She continues to love playing the piano with her dad. I sure hope she has better luck with the piano than I did.

Grace is also learning to count. She knows that two comes after one and then three. Also when you ask Grace how old she is she holds up one finger and says, "un."

Grace's latest interest has been her Magna Doodle she got for Christmas. Grace often crawls up in the school desk and sits and draws for up to 30 minutes.
Grace and I were spoiled with my two weeks off at Christmas. We grew to love getting to hangout with no worries. Some days I come home exhausted and think I have nothing left to give to Grace however, we start playing and I hear her giggle and it makes my heart grow a little bigger.
Grace is making new friends. This past month Miss Amber had a baby boy named Carter. Grace has not met him but loves to look at his pictures and say "baby" while kissing the computer screen. I went to see Carter and took him a present from Grace. She had found a doggy outfit for him. She is hoping to see him soon.

Grace also found out this month that she is going to be a big cousin. Aunt Anne and Uncle J are having a baby boy in April. We told Grace that his name is going to be Charlie (actually I jokingly said "Chuck") and Grace is confused because that is her dog's name. I brought home clothes for Charlie the other day and told Grace about them. She then took them out of the bag and laid the clothes on top of Charlie the dog. Hopefully we can get that all straightened out before April or Grace may be disappointed when she first meets Charlie. We are already planning sleepovers for Grace and Charlie.

That's all for this month. Same time, same place, next month on the 3rd!

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